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Engaging young children in and out of the classroom.

How can relevant and age-appropriate contents help in developing effective learning for young learners? What are some key activities to enhance teaching and learning in a classroom? How can parents play a role in helping their child learn effectively at home? We have Ms Kanjna Parathaman, the ASEAN Regional Director for ELT and Education under Cambridge University Press and Mr Jason Tan, GPEX Assistant Manager under the Business Development unit, to share with us on tonight @ 8:30pm.

Posted by Ten Toes Academy on Tuesday, 22 September 2020
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Finland special live broadcast is finally here! 芬兰特备直播来了

The long-awaited Finland special live broadcast is finally here! We are honored to invite Dr Piia, an educationist from Finland to explain how Finnish teachers and children learn when the school is closed. At the same time, Gracie, who hails from China and has lived in Finland for 22 years will share with us how to accompany the children to study during this period! Want to know the learning secrets of the happiest child in the world? Stay tuned at 8.30pm(malaysia time) tonight (Monday)! 芬兰特备直播来了! 我们很荣幸邀请到来自芬兰的教育学者Dr Piia,告诉我们芬兰的老师和孩子在学校关闭期间是如何学习的。 同时,也邀请来自中国,并定居在芬兰22年的Gracie,如何在这段期间陪伴孩子学习! 想要知道全球最快乐孩子的学习奥妙吗? 我们今晚8.30分(马来西亚时间)见咯!

Posted by Ten Toes Academy on Monday, 19 October 2020
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这次非常荣幸邀请到吴国强老师来到Ten Toes Academy的FB Live分享——当新冠肺炎似乎近在我们身边时,如何用绘本安住孩子的心,省思生命的本质。 各位爸爸妈妈, 非常鼓励大家一起来学习怎样通过绘本安抚小朋友,让他们从故事中获得启发。✨🤗 🌟就在今天15/7/2021(星期四)晚上8:30 p.m.,我们不见不散哟!😚 #TenToesAcademy #JoyousGeniusBornHere

Posted by Ten Toes Academy on Thursday, July 15, 2021

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