Joyous Genius Born Here!

Welcome to Ten Toes Academy

Ten Toes is Malaysia First Edutainment Learning Experience Education Group, inspired by Finland education methodology and system. Ten Toes emphasizes on creative and innovative learning experience towards to our future hope, children from 3 – 12 years old, by implementing our 5 Pro – Active Edutainment Formulations to inspire them to be the future Joyous Genius.

There are currently more than 1,800 students in 50 centres Ten Toes preschool and primary school enrichment academies in Malaysia.

Preschool Programme
(3-6 years)

Inspired by the Finland education ideology, Ten Toes adapt some of Finnish pedagogy, approaches and methods, and fusing them into the Ten Toes curriculum.

At the preschool level (3-6 years), Ten Toes delivers a programme comprises care, education and teaching to support children’s balanced growth, development and learning. Our programme delivery is centred around play where we design purposeful play inside and outside of the classroom.

Primary School Enrichment Programme
(7-12 years)

At the primary school enrichment level (7-12 years), we deliver a programme comprises before and after school care and extended learning to the subjects taught in school aimed at giving students the opportunity to study concepts with greater depth, breadth and complexity, while also helping students to pursue their own areas of interest and strengths. We put greater emphasis on the development of self-regulation, independent learning and social awareness in students.

Educating a whole child

Through the Ten Toes proactive edutainment formulation, we seek to make learning happen in a conducive and fun atmosphere through the integration of purposeful play and interesting experiential activities in our daily programme. At Ten Toes we aim to foster a Whole Child who are confident and capable, feel empowered to achieve their goals- be they in school, work or life.


Prepared to lead their own lives, and decide their own paths and destiny.


Always motivated and enthusiastic about asking “what if?”


In possession of the knowledge and tools necessary for an outstanding performance at school, at work and in life.


Able to think freely & shape their own beliefs.


Trilingual and culturally literate for a global future.


Deeply aware of their talents and potential.


Passionate about knowledge and learning.
Company Highlights
Recent News

Principals’ Visit to Ten Toes

马来西亚校长协会柔州分会主席苏立顺校长偕同拿督林才贵,带领约40位来自峇株巴辖县的华小校长及代表们,日前到访永平旭智幼儿园(Ten Toes Playschool)进行参观交流,过程欢乐又温馨。   通过这次的观摩,校长们进一步了解旭智教育集团(Ten Toes Academy)的芬兰式全人教育理念,也现场感受到孩子们欢乐学习的氛围,认为孩子们在如此的环境下学习,的确能够发挥各自的潜能。   旭智教育集团的课程核心是通过生命教育,激发孩子们的内在学习动力,达到自主学习的全人教育课程目标,让“天才在欢乐中诞生”。   苏立顺校长受访时表示,认同旭智教育集团的办学理念,也希望孩子们都有机会接受类似的学前教育,让他们在上小学前做好准备。   另一位受访的安宁华小校长林财成表示,全人教育的教学元素能够延续到小学,孩子们在小学阶段的学习会更加理想。“我们也看到其实还有很多东西,我们小学可以再思考,再做多一点这方面的工作,让孩子们可以真正快乐地学习。” 林财成如是表示。   旭智教育集团营运执行员侯才龙也在创意课程研发执行员赖薇夷的陪同下,颁发纪念品予所有团员。活动结束前的纪念品赠送仪式及合照环节,让这次的参观活动划下美好的句点。

Team Building 2022

Team building is the dynamic process of transforming individual contributions and abilities into a cohesive team.   During these two…


⚠️想要创业的朋友⚠️ 没有资金❓没有商业模式❓ 没问题❗我们手把手 教你建立属于你的教育王国‼️ Ten Toes拥有完善的 ⭕商业模式 ⭕宣传计划 ⭕师资与管理培训 ⭕商业转型计划 ⭕简单容易的入门方法 💫马上报名参加Ten Toes的“供车 供屋 不如供事业”线上说明会 日期:17/02/2022(星期四) 时间:8:30PM 点击以下链接报名👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻